Restoration Outreach
Family Worship Center, Inc. Nfp.
Growing in Grace. Walking by Faith.
Standing on the Word of God!
Pastor Roy L Johnson
Pastor Roy Johnson is a chosen vessel of God; from the time he was a very young boy he felt the pull of the Holy Spirit. At the age of 10, he made a life-changing commitment by joining the Church and receiving the Water Baptism. Pastor Roy received his spiritual foundation at The Revival Tabernacle Holiness Church as well as the Ash Street Church of God In Christ.
During his youth, Pastor Roy attended Sunday School, Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship, and Bible study. He was a faithful and studious disciple. He modeled his life style after his Elders and walked Holy and upright before the Most High God. God has rewarded Pastor Roy's patience and faithfulness by giving him a place of solace and worship where he is the head shepherd under the leadership of Almighty God.
Pastor Roy was installed in A House of Prayer on April 1,2007. Since all this has taken place Pastor Roy Johnson has founded The Restoration Outreach Family Worship Center Inc. as well as Roy Lee Johnson Ministries Inc. which is a result of his faithfulness and perseverance.
Tabitha R. Johnson

Our Lady of The Church was born in Queens NY and is an outstanding and powerful woman of God. She's a woman that prays and interceeds for her husband, church and family. She was reared by her mother and father (Elder Humberto Feliciano and Missionary Ruthie Feliciano) to always live a life of Holiness and to acknowledge the Lord first in everything she does. This lead her to meeting her one and only true love,
Pastor Roy Lee Johnson.
While under the covering of Apostle Raymond and Prophet Wanda Miranda, she was taught the Word which was rooted so deep with in her that she constantly reflects on it daily thru the life she lives. We call our Lady of the The Church Powerful, Beautiful, and Anointed by God.

Licensed & Ordained
Leadership by ROFWC
Prophet Paris Roper
Evangelist Carol Wellwood
Pastor Susan Walker
Mother Kathryn Jones
Prophetess Jaushlin Nash
Prophetess Norma Brooks- Expired license
Minister Jeanette Williams
Evangelist Clara Washington
Prophetess Lynette Neloms
Prophetess Tammy Roberts
Evangelist Clara Washington
Our Administrative Staff
Secretary/ Clerk Kandi Harvey
Administrator : Carol Frasier
Deacons: Eric Harvey and Thomas Frasier
Public relations & Outreach Sis. Judy Ramnauth