Restoration Outreach
Family Worship Center, Inc. Nfp.
Growing in Grace. Walking by Faith.
Standing on the Word of God!
About Pastor Roy L. Johnson
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Pastor Roy Johnson is the son of Fletcher and Annie Pearl Poole Johnson. He was born and raised in Macon Georgia in the fear and light of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a 1991 graduate of Northeast High School. Pastor Roy is proof of what God can do for you if you are willing to follow the will and way of the Lord.
Pastor Roy Johnson is a chosen vessel of God; from the time he was a very young boy he felt the pull of the Holy Spirit and at the age of 10 he made a life-changing commitment by joining the Church and receiving the Water Baptism. Pastor Roy recieved his spiritual foundation at The Revival Tabernacle Holiness Church. During his youth Pastor Roy attended Sunday school, Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship, and Bible study. He was a faithful and studios disciple. He modeled his life style after his Elders and walked Holy and upright before the Most High God. One day in Atlanta Ga. at the Lakewood fairgrounds while attending a David Terrell campmeeting pastor Roy sat on the left side of the tent and he was asking God what was his purpose and was wondering why life felt so different for him and ask that God would give him insight. Prophet David Terrell came over to him and spoke him these words " I the Lord have chosen you from your mothers womb to preach the Gospel and carry the word of God to a dying world".
After a time of growth and change Pastor Roy continued to study, pray, and watch the Holy Men and Women of God and to model his life after the example given to us by Son of the living God such as the late Brother Jimmy L. Williams ,Evangelist Clara Washington, Elder Fletcher & Annie P. Johnson some of whom have already gone on to meet the Lord. Twilight and sunset would often find Pastor Roy traveling the highways and byways singing, teaching, and spreading the Great Gospel to the Saved and the Unsaved. Pastor Roy would often travel with his Elders, to cities and towns large and small singing, praying, and preaching as he was led by the Holy Spirit. This was a simple foretaste of the task that the Lord had for Pastor Roy to complete. Along with school and other activities commmon to young people, Pastor Roy never allowed anything to come before his praise and service to God. He often found himself shunned by Walking, Working, and Living in the Light and Word of the Holy Spirit his peers because of his dedication and commitment to God; but Pastor Roy did not sway; for he knew, even at that early age that serving God required perseverance and discipline and he knew that the only way he was going to make it was by staying faithful to what he had been taught.He joined the Church of God in Christ after visiting numerous times with a friend. He loved the liberal praise and he caught hold to the powerful foundational teaching and to this day he will always be grateful to the Church of God in Christ for giving him a chance to express what God has placed on his life liberally and pushed him into a new place with God that he had never experienced where in others restrained him.
At the age of seventeen (17) Pastor Roy's life took a dramatic and life-altering turn: He heard the call of God and obeyed and entered the Ministry. At this time he began a ministry of music, singing, and teaching and assistng his elders with the leadership and training of God's people. Pastor Roy continued this path of Holiness and Righteousness into adulthood, remaining faithful to his calling.
God has rewarded Pastor Roy's patience and faithfulness by giving him a place of solance and worship where he is the head shepard under the leadership of Almighty God. Pastor Roy was installed in this humble House of Prayer on April 1st, 2007. After faithfully pastoring Faith Temple in Thomasville Ga. Pastor met a beautiful young lady by the name of Tabitha Feliciano in a revival service his friend Elder Timothy Addison was running and he stated to his friend that will be my wife,he and her started to date. And June 11th 2011 was married. Pastor Roy Johnson heard the voice of God and started the Restoration Outreach Family Worship Center Inc.,Along with the Maximum Alignment Conference Inc. This conference is his yearly assembly. Once again Pastor continued being faithful and endured some really rough times that literally had him asking God did you bring me here to die. But little did pastor Roy Johnson know God was preparing him for an even greater work. In a prayer clinic the voice of the Lord began to speak through his wife and stated the Lord was calling him to be an Apostle a office that pastor Roy Johnson tried to shun away from but in the year of 2017 the Lord spoke and confirmed it once again through Bishop Ira Rhodes , Pastor of Breaking Every Chain International in Thomasville Ga. Pastor Roy Johnson after much toiling finally accepted the will of the Lord and was affirmed the first Sunday in December of 2017 by Bishop Ira Rhodes ,Prophet Wanda Miranda and Overseer Rosie Williams. After this he along with Bishop Ira Rhodes and Prophetess Wanda Miranda founded the Apostolic Gathering of Churches and Ministries inc. Pastor Roy Lee Johnson is currently pursuing a degree in Divinity.
As Pastor Roy continued his walk with the Lord let us pray for him as God leads and guides him towards the prize that is awaiting all of those that trusts in Power and Promise of God. You can help support Pastor Roy Johnson through cash app $Royleejohnson or mail to 91 Midway Road Thomasville Ga.
"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, If I preach not the gospel! What is my reward then? Verily that, I preach the gospel, Imay make the gospel of Christ without charge, That I abuse not my power in the gospel. For though I be free from all men, Yet have I made myself servant unto all, That I might gain the more......and this I do for the gospel's sake, that might be partaker thereof with you." 1 Corinthians 9:16-19;23 (KJV)